Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Storm re-cap

It seems like it's over. Except for the freezing rain that's supposed to start at midnight.  But I have to say I had a very enjoyable blizzard.  I am still in my jammies.  Couldn't go anywhere and nobody could get in. 
The sweet and sour meatballs turned out perfect.  They are so tender and juicy when done in the slow cooker.  And I also made a batch of "celebration brownies". The celebration part of the recipe is Bailey's.  Yummm

I debated trying the cinnamon rolls again but changed my mind.  By the way, the picture of them from a previous post --- they were cooked.  That's how bad they turned out.  So for those of you who thought I threw them out raw - nope!  It was an epic fail. 

I also re-read this mornings post and realized I didn't attach the photo of the heart mat in progress.  Sorry.  Here it is before

I've since pulled out the green and replaced with a different color.  Still don't like it but I'm moving on.  The colors in this pic are not accurate.  Bad night lighting 

A bit ago I heard a noise outside.  My sweet neighbor's boyfriend cleared out the front of my driveway with his truck plow.   So that greatly reduces the amount of shovelling I will have to do tomorrow morning.  I love my neighbors! 

I hope all the Easterners had an enjoyable storm day too 


  1. I am so glad you had a nice snow day. I like your rug and I like that background. I think I would really like to live where it snowed, brownies, jammies, hooking, yep, my idea of a perfect vacation.

  2. Could you share your brownie recipe, I love Bailey's. Great start on your heart mat.

  3. Now I don't feel as crazy saying I kind of wish we'd been snowed in for a little bit!

  4. So happy your hooking mojo is returning! Sweet little heart mat.
    Glad you had a good snow day - and nice neighbor.
    Hugs :)

  5. I"m glad your day has been a good one! It sounds just like the kind of day I would plan if we had such a "snow day." xo Nellie

  6. The brownies awesome! I like the start on your heart mat!

  7. Sigh......i think I am jealous. :) I am missing the Utah and Wyoming snow so much. Glad you had a nice snow day...mmmm love brownies minus the Bailey's though.
    And I'm thinking of making meatballs in the slow cooker. Do you have a fav recipe?

    Love that heart mat. Can't wait to see it finished :)
    Keep warm, take care, Janet W

  8. Glad you have such thoughtful neighbors. I like the mat. I can't imagine going to all that work and then pulling part of it out. Your yummy brownies sound like a real treat.

  9. Happy snow day! You got it right!
    Brownies, meatballs and hooking! Oh, and the jammies...
    You know how to have a good time even while others are stressing about the weather.

  10. Sounds like you took great advantage of your snow day...YAY! for you!

  11. What a fantastic heart mat. I haven't made a sweet dough in many years. A few churches sell it frozen and one local bakery sells it fresh. Can't beat it.

  12. Love your heart mat! My daughter lives in Massachusetts and they got over 3 feet of snow! Couldn't get out of their front door with all the snow piled up against it. Crazy! But they burrowed in like you, cooked up some nice comfort foods and rode it out.

  13. Baileys in brownies, mmm... sounds like a great combination. Your mat is coming along nicely...hope you are all shoveled out...gotta burn of those brownie calories!!!

  14. Love your mat! It sounds like a lovely storm day and we always love it when the plow or sanding guys hit our driveway on their way to paying customers.:)

  15. Hooray for neighbor heroes! I did laugh right out loud when you said those rolls were baked....good choice to toss them! Ha! Stay safe and warm and let's hope that's the only blizzard for this year!

  16. Brownies with Baileys??? YUUUUUM! So nice of your neighbor's boyfriend to clear your drive!
