Thursday, August 6, 2015

Some progress

Well, another week has flown by with no posts.  Back to work and establishing Abby's new workday routine has kept me on my toes.  Abby was not a happy camper my first day at work in her pen.  However, poodles are know for loving routines so by the end of the week she was adjusting better.  We are still having accidents.  Sigh..........patience......

I did hook a little more but not as much as I'd hoped.  And Saundra, I'm doing it KISS.....keeping it simple

The rest of the week included celebrating a friend's birthday.  She left me a pice of birthday cake - it was a triple layer, butter cream frosting cake

I decided to eat it for breakfast yesterday.  Be whimsical I thought, eat cake for breakfast.  OMG, I was sick all day.  I felt like crap from the sugar burst so early.  Never again!  Lol

We also had a fun event downtown in the park last night - "Menopausal Madness Movie Night". Mamma Mia singalong and movie.  The weather cooperated and a good crowd turned out in their finest overalls and feather boas.  Sorry I didn't get any usable pics. 

That's it for now. 


  1. Glad you and Abby are settling into your routine. Ex-pens are long as they are escape-proof. ~grin~ She's a cutie, for sure. Have fun!

  2. Good to hear little Abby is making herself at home. Love the pattern your hooking. Mmmm, cake for breakie, I like that.Blessings Francine.

  3. The rug looks great and you're already almost done.
    Poor little Abby, she might feel more secure in your absence if you left a piece of clothing or blanket that has your scent on it, in her pen. This little trick I learned a long time ago when i had a hyper little poodle. She would lay on the old shirt. They love their master's BO. lol


  4. So glad it is Friday. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Your rug looks fantastic! I am sure Abbie will do better soon.

  5. I'm not a breakfast person, but cake in the morning sounds good to me!
    I'm happy to heart little Abby is settling in.
    Fun rug!
    Hugs :)

  6. Buttah cream frosting! I have had cake for breakfast and homemade noodles... not together! I love seeing your hooking projects! I do!!!!!

  7. I love the movement in the background with the darker value wool, great job!!!!! Also like Julia's idea; Abby would love snoozing next to the smell of her mommy. Enjoy your weekend.

  8. Abby will get there...that's the trial of a new baby! But the rewards of love and friendship and fun will be worth it! I didn't have cake for breakfast but does peach pie count? Enjoy the weekend. That movie was one I could never get into but seeing it with a bunch of folks just out to have fun might make me changed my mind!

  9. I would have tried the cake for breakfast too and then probably would have felt sick as well. I bet Abby is one happy puppy when you come home!

  10. Ditto on the sweets for breakfast (or really any time when I am truly hungry and not just looking for a snack)

    Glad you are having success with Miss Abby
