Saturday, November 22, 2014

One of the best parts

There is a lot to like about the holidays but there is one thing that I think is at the top of my list.....

The holiday appetizers are in the stores.  I'm such a sucker for these.  I am filling the freezer with an assortment.  These were the shrimp collection.  I hate to admit the number of evenings in my future where I will have an entire supper of appetizers.  Good thing I bought a jumbo bottle of plum sauce.  

I hit a bit of a snag today with the chicken wire project.  It seems you can't buy small enough quantities for me.  You have to buy a big roll.  So I'm going to ask around.  I am sure somebody must have some in their garage or basement.  I'm not buying enough for a coop when I only need a square.  

It feels like another Polar Vortex this weekend.  It's really cold.  I passed on watching the Christmas Parade tonight. Better plan to stay in and be cozy.  Fluffy socks, slippers and sweatpants!!


  1. Shrimp appetizers. Yum!!!
    Good luck finding the chicken wire since you are not building a coop :)

  2. I like that picture. I have chicken wire. I would send you a square.
    Or two squares. Give me the measurements and I will mail you some.
    Early Christmas present. :)
    You are so funny with those appetizers. I have never seen them before.
    Stay bundled up and warm.

  3. Oh Ya, yummy time of year. Love the saying, that's me too.Blessings Francine.

  4. Appetizers can be my downfall! It sounds like you have some really good ones! Stay warm and cozy! xo

  5. I too would rather stay warm and dry.

  6. Surely someone will have some chicken wire for you to use. Double like on the sweatpants and coffee!

  7. I love walking around Sam's Club tasting all the appetizers during the holiday season...yep, I'm cheap! I always tell Jack it's our dinner! Ha! I skipped our town's holiday parade was warmish, but rainy. When the kids were little I'd brave I'm picky about what I subject my hair too! Have a great rest of this weekend!

  8. I don't suppose you could find a friend who has a bit of extra chicken wire lying around? If you lived around here, you could, no doubt! :-) the appetizers look amazing.

  9. Got some unused in my garage you could have but am in Yorkshire UK !
    Could you ask on your local Freecycle if you have it there?

  10. I LOVE holiday food!

  11. Oh the appetizers are my down fall. If I had a frig full they would have to cut me out of here in the spring.
    we are warm today and it rained most of the night. Now I need to get off my a-- and do something today.

  12. You're lucky you can eat those yummy appetizers. On my restricted diet, I no longer can eat them so you can eat double for me. My mouth is watering.

    Let me know by email how big you want the chicken wire. I just checked and I have a brand new roll of small holes chicken wire in my shed and I can mail it to you.

    Staying home is my choice these day. I'm even too tired to watch a movie, lol.
    Have a good week.

  13. I would be happy eating appetizers for dinner every night! Enjoy!
