Saturday, June 9, 2012

Soggy Saturday

After 5 long workdays, the weekend finally arrives.  And what happens??  You wake up to rain, rain and more rain.

That put a crimp in my plans.  No backyard, no sitting out on the deck, no barbequing.

I woke up with this desire to hook.  I haven't felt much like starting a new project.  But then the mental nagging started.  I "should" be doing lots of other things - housework, office work, etc. 

So I wasted so much time arguing with myself, I ended up drinking coffee with baileys and laying on the sofa reading all afternoon. I did finish the 3rd book in the 50 Shades trilogy.  (blush)  I think my next book choice will be a little more serious :)

I have this piece of wool that has been taunting me.  I have been hoarding it, waiting for the right inspiration.

This is a crappy iPad picture but the wool is very rich and pretty.  But I don't have a clue want to do with it.  All I know is I want to cut it up and use it.

Any thoughts?  Something simple and primitive?   Hookers Block......what a pain!


  1. My friend calls this Turkey feather wool:-)

  2. Kim ~
    No idea on what to do with the wool. I am terrible at visualizing how something will hook up.
    How I wish we'd get some rain! Not good when things are turning brown in June.
    Hugs :)

  3. It is very pretty. Gosh, I am just wanting to start fall things and that reminds me of fall. You know pumpkins, crows, stars and stuff like that. I won't let myself think fall until after the fourth of July so in the meantime I just think about pumpkins etc.
    It is very nice stuff. I hope you get lots of sunshine tomorrow.
    Well, at least you liked the other two books. I didn't know there was three.
    Sometimes though, you just need a day without all of the other things to do.
    I hope you get up to lots and lots of sunshine.

  4. Sometimes you just gotta take some time off. :)Reading is good, one of my favorite things to do.

    That piece of wool does remind one of Fall. I wouldn't mind skipping summer and going right to Fall. :)

    I'm not good at thinking about what to do with things, sorry. I hope that you get a wonderful idea and let us see it when it is finished. :)

    Have a great weekend with lots of sunshine.
    Take care, Janet W

  5. That's a beautiful piece of wool! But sadly, I don't sew so I don't have much of an imagination for such things. I think reading all afternoon sounds wonderful. I haven't read any of the 50 Shades books, but there sure is a lot of hype about them!

  6. Sorry your day was rained out, however an afternoon of reading isn't a bad thing.

  7. Great piece of wool. Looks like fall. We got all your sunny weather yesterday...sorry! LOL

  8. Hello Kim, just not fair to rain all weekend. MMMMM coffee and Baileys, sooo good. Love the wool,great colors, I also have not been into my rug hooking,will finish my little rug soon, I think. Hope the sun will shine on you soon, Blessings Francine.

  9. Love your wool to!! So sorry for all the rain!!

  10. love your wool and figureing what to do with it is always the hardest! coffee, bailys and a book, ill have to try that! enjoy your day!

  11. I'm pretty sure it hasn't rained in Phoenix in like 100 days. I am sick of choking on the dust. We could use a little here.

  12. "Millie's Mats" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. I hope this helps to attract even more new visitors here.

  13. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a rainy weekend day. Sometimes I secretly hope for rainy days - they sorta recharge my batteries. And I LOVE that wool....looks very, very, much like some that I used as a border for a primitive floral piece a while back ("William Morris" runner.....) I just loved the pattern it made as it was hooked....but then, oops, I accidentally cut a chunk going the wrong way, and it hooked up completely differently (still wonderful, but totally different) - so I had to scavenge for more of it - and got my friend's last bit of it....I was so sad when she said it was gone because it really is fun stuff. Any ways - you didn't even have to ask me - you know all I see is primitive. ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  14. Hi Kim! This wool is the background for the teal crow that my friend, Dara, hooked in my class. Thought that might give an idea how it hooks up! Hope your funk is over ~ I hate when that happens!

  15. Hi Kim! This wool is the background for the teal crow that my friend, Dara, hooked in my class. Thought that might give an idea how it hooks up! Hope your funk is over ~ I hate when that happens!

  16. Hi Kim, just thought I would throw this in. Sometimes when I have a piece of wool like that, I cut a few strips in both directions, lay the strips in a pile for a few days and usually something will come to life looking at the hue of the pile of strips. Good luck. It is gorgeous wool Gloria
