Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Winner, Winner.......

......Chicken Dinner !  I don't know why I find that phrase so amusing but I do.  Lol

I'm on a bit of a roll today.   First, I was checking some emails over my morning infusion of coffee and I had an email from Tara - I won her giveaway  (applause, applause).  I just loved her email it me.   It read:

"Kim,  Well, you won the CSN giveaway this is better than a stinkin doughnut!  You can tell your coworkers to put that in their pipes and smoke it!"    Isn't that a hoot?

 Tara has a lovely blog called Just Devine Style .  Go check her out.  She was celebrating her 200th follower and offered a CSN gift card.   Now all I have to do is decide what to buy - something practical or totally frivolous ??  Hmmm, tough decision.

Then, I arrive home for lunch and I had mail.   Good mail - not bills.  It was the gorgeous slub yarn I ordered from Jen over at Fish Eye Rugs.  You should visit her site too.  She designs these lovely hooked bags/purses, among other things.  I was lucky enough to meet her a couple of years ago and took a class from her.

So very pretty and it arrived so quickly.  Thanks Jen - the cheque's in the mail !  LOL  Well it will be tomorrow!  :) 

And the icing on the cake........I actually won a free coffee today on my Tim's Roll-Up.  Not a donut but beggers can't be choosers.  Maybe the roll-up curse is ending??  Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket tonight?? 

Lastly, I hope that a little of this luck rubs off on a certain little girl's basketball team tonight.  My friends daughter is playing a game tonight.  She has been asking me to come to one of her games since before Christmas.  Finally tonight is the night.  It should be cute - all the little ones running around.  I hope I get to see her score a basket.  She is special. 


  1. WOW, maybe you should buy the office lottery tickets for us, (we never win).

  2. You are a winner! It must have been all that whining last Wednesday! :)

  3. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!
    What a great way to start the day!

  4. You are a winner in my books! All the complaining helped, no doubt.

    Lovely slub yarn. Where are you going to use this?

  5. The tide rolls in and the tide rolls out! You are on a good wave! Buy a lottery ticket!
    What have you got planned for that gorgeous yarn?
    Cathy G

  6. Congratulations, Kim on your winnings. After all March is here so you march right on there and win yourself some money . Buy some lottery tickets and I 'm sure that you'll win something, if only sympathy. It looks like you're on a roll.

    Winner, winner Chicken Dinner seems to bring you good luck. JB

  7. Well, I am so glad you won all of that good stuff and you have had a nice day. No one I know deserves it more. You are such a treasure. I am so happy for you.

  8. Congrats Lady Winner!
    A lottery ticket is definitely in order! Love the yarn. The whole winning thing is a good spring sign!!
    Have fun at the game!

  9. Well lucky you!! Have fun at the game tonight!

  10. I was just thinking in my head before I read the end that you are certainly a lucky winner today!

    Congrats, have fun and enjoy your winning streak!! Hope your little friend wins too!!

  11. You are on a winning streak so maybe a ticket would not be a bad idea. I hope you get my journal you won soon.
    Isn't it great to win giveaways and I love CSN too. Trying to decide what to buy from them is sometimes hard because they have so much.
    Enjoy your game and I do hope she scores some points for you
    Love your yarn too

  12. Kim,\Goodness, I guess your streak really is coming to an end...a gift certificate, AND a Tim Horton's coffee? WOW! It doesn't get much better...I'd play the lottery tomorrow if I were you !

  13. Congrats., Kim. Do buy a lottery ticket; maybe you will be able to quit work...:)
    Hope your little friend has good luck, too and of course, I love the yarn...

  14. yay! Glad to see that they made it :-D
    Hi from Windsor - I can see Detroit out my hotel window...

  15. Congratulations on your recent win. Such beautiful yarns!
