Friday, August 23, 2013

Something's brewing

It feels like a storm is brewing.  At supper time I took Millie out in the backyard and the sky got very dark and creepy.  We were near the large tree in the yard and the noise was deafening.  There were hundreds of birds in this tree and they all started fleeing.   It was so creepy.  They were acting just like in a horror movie before the slasher guy in the hockey mask appears!   Lets just say I didn't waste any time bringing Millie back inside.  

It was kind of a fitting end to the day.  This was the looooongest week.  It's been awhile since I worked 5 whole days!  Lol.  I think it will take me a few weeks to get back in to the swing of a normal schedule.  I got spoiled this summer with days off. 

It looks like a quiet night at home so there will probably be some progress made on the Ho Ho Ho hooked runner.  And maybe a little knitting too.

Before you go, please check out the giveaway on my sidebar.  Click on the bee and support my friend Meg's new venture.  She is launching a new business with wonderful natural products - Bumblewood Homemade.  

Happy Weekend to all


  1. Hard coming back after vacation - well okay this week I get it - next week - get in shape - lol!

  2. Hi, Kim,
    Rest easy that the world is not coming to an end :)..Those were either grackles or starlings congregating to head south for the winter!
    Have a lovely weekend...

  3. ewww it sounds scary. Have you ever seen Hitchock's the birds? sounds just like that.

  4. I wonder if the birds are migrating early this year.
    It gets dark so early now I noticed. I was weeding after supper and in no time it was dark and I had to come in but the stupid mosquitoes are still hanging on...

    Summer vacations are never long enough. I hope that next week will be better at work. It looks like it's almost time for you to retire. I wish I could retire. Working 7 days a week gets tiresome after a while.


  5. What a cool photo of the trees and birds! I love stormy nights:). Maggie

  6. Do you think Fall is on the way? Birds will gather like that around here in the fall.

    That first week back at work after a vacation is such a difficult one! Enjoy your week-end!

  7. I call that 'the gathering'...never saw it happen until I lived in the country. Spooky at first, perhaps, but totally fascinating to watch. Made me think of the Alfred Hitchcock movie, "The Birds"...~goosebumps~ Anyway, it is difficult to get back in the swing of things with work after a vacation. Have a good week.
