Monday, September 10, 2012

The eve of silly season

Aside from my regular day job, every four years I get some extra responsibilities.  This is an election year for our Mayor and Council and I am the Chief Electoral Officer for our municipality.

Don't fool yourself into thinking that sounds impressive - Its a ton of extra work.  And a ton of stress.  You see, as dirty as national politics has become, local municipal politics is no different.

I like to refer to the next few weeks as "Silly Season".  Tomorrow is the deadline for the filing of candidates nominations.  After 5pm I will know the full slate of candidates.   Or as I sometimes refer to it - the list of people who will attempt to drive me insane. 

They will test the boundaries like a small child.  They will test my patience and ability to not lose my cool. I believe that the job of Chief Electoral Officer is something like child birth.  When you are in the middle of it, you swear you will NEVER do it again.  But then as four years pass you seem to forget and agree to do it again.   But as soon as nominations close tomorrow, it will be like that first contraction and all the bad memories will come flooding back!  Lol

Wish me luck.  And now you will understand if there are a few odd rant posts in the next few weeks.


  1. I am sooooo over the election and it's not even that close. I've turned my phone off because I'm sick of every party calling me..not to invite me to a party, but just to annoy me into "their" party. Done!!! I will vote of course...but I'm soooooo done! (I said that already didn't I)

  2. Good luck! I"m looking forward to some good stories from you.

  3. Good Luck!! I think you will need it.

  4. Well here we go, I am hoping that this year they will all play nice, but I know they won't I just hope they don't drive you totally crazy.

  5. Good luck Kim. I so do not envy your job during this Municipal Election. It's a good thing that the weather is cooler. It's a good thing that it's only every 4 years. I think that you should be Mayor rather than CEO.

  6. You sure can get your plate to overflowing! Drink up, girlfriend!!!

  7. My close friend is town clerk here in our little town she goes through the same thing I feel sorry for you. And because we are such a small town we hand count our votes so that is were i will be tomorrow we usually go out for drinks after my favorite part.

  8. Not ALL the candidates drive their elections officers crazy. The ones in Truro seem to like me :-)

  9. Rant on, girlfriend. Bloggers are great listeners.
    Hugs :)

  10. The only difference is... You don't get an adorable, wide eyed baby in the end. You just jump straight to the same adult sized child, who is now in office. Oy! You are a braver woman than I - I'll take the child birth. LOL! Good luck!

  11. I'm in total agreement with Meg. Good luck and stay calm!!

  12. STAY STRONG AND CARRY ON!!! BTW, Your sunflower pillow is just wonderful. Blessings, Julie.

  13. WEll Kim,If it wasn't for you and others we would not have the chance of honest elections. Good for you!

  14. Yeah, after being down in the sewer with our county government's "politics," I'd readily take childbirth over that quagmire. Better invest in more olives. Best o' luck! Robin
