Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monkey Mind

Today I received an email newletter from the new Spa downtown. The subject line read "Monkey Mind".

My first thought - "How Rude - they don't even know me" (OR maybe they do.....)  LOL 

I had never heard this expression before, so naturally my curiousity was peaked.  The email said
If these two words describe your mind's tendency to go from thought to thought, much like a monkey goes from branch to branch, then this lunch and learn may be of interest to you.  

If that doesn't describe the weird way my mind goes into overdrive, I don't know what does!  Apparently the session will be an introduction to meditation with workshops to follow.  It sounds interesting.  Corinne and I both registered.

When I called to register the lady told me you had to pay at the time of registration and the number of available seats was limited.  So I said I would be in on my lunch hour.  Great.   Well.....I stopped in on my way back to work and approached the 20 year old vacant looking Barbie Doll behind the counter.

"I'd like to register for the Wellness Session next Tuesday."   Huh??? she says.  So I explain again.  She is all confused looking and rifling papers on the desk and looking in the computer.  (Yes, I am getting antsy at this point).   "Where did you hear about it, she asks.   Ummmmm, from your newsletter!!!   Duh,  newsletter, really   OMG.......   Maybe I should go ask someone????    Geee, ya think.....

Clearly she doesn't have a monkey mind.  I think her tree is missing a few branches!  LOL  My Grandma had a saying: "Dumb as a stick".  I'm just saying!

Eventually I got us registered. (Yes, she had to go get help)   So hopefully next week this will be me.


  1. OOOOOOOooooooooooooooo! Someone told me yesterday I had Monkey Mind! How funny!

  2. LOL! They are manufacturing those Barbie dolls and putting them in customer service positions everywhere! At lease monkeys have minds.

    Happy meditating! Good for the blood pressure after having to deal with Barbie.

  3. I'm old like the hills and I never heard of Monkey Mind. I've heard of scattered brains. I meditate a few minutes each day because that's all I can spare but I used to meditate for a whole hour every morning when I wasn't working at the farm. I got a lot of great insights during meditation and then I would write my thoughts and insights in a journal, now I blog instead. lol.... JB

  4. Meditation is supposed to be good for improving your "they" say. Hope it's true and you see a difference... ;-)

  5. I love WeaverPat's comment about all these Barbie Doll's in customer service ~ took the words right out of my mouth! I hope you enjoy your class and that they keep Barbie in her playpen till you're out of there!!

  6. "20 year old vacant barbie doll".... OMG!!! I'm in stitches!!!

  7. Kim ~
    Ditto what Pat and Alice said!
    My expression, kind of like your grandma's, is "dumber than a box of rocks"!
    Hugs :)

  8. Oh that's too funny!! I hate to admit it but I may have one of those Monkey Minds!!! Yack!!!!

  9. Kim, I read your post and comments to my husband and he was laughing too. You are so funny and Pat is right there with you. lol. JB

  10. From one Monkey Mind to another......let me know if it keeps you from going bananas! I sure could use a little meditation right now!!
    Cathy G

  11. Well good luck, but I thought jumping to one thing to another was multitasking. I hope it is fun. My mind is always going off in different directions.
    Dumb as a stick, I love grandma words, My grandma would say "...(My Grandpas name)..You lie like a rug" It still cracks me up.

  12. Ok that was funny! I need to take that class as you know I did just buy a book on it but a class would be so much better. Hope Barbie isn't teaching the class.


  13. Gee maybe I'm bringing you to the other side, next you'll have a Zen Garden.

  14. I think that monkey mind comes with being a Gemini!!! Great laugh and yes, I agree with Pat, about barbies in services positions, I think it is part of the hiring criteria!

  15. Monkey mind, that's me...meditation..I need that desperately...good laugh, again, Barbie doll, you....LOL!!!

  16. Never heard of it before, but I have it! I do like Farm Girl's positive thought about it being muti-tasking :) I think it is wonderful you signed up for meditation. I do relaxation breathing and it works for me. Anxious to hear how it goes!

  17. Kim, Thanks for finally sharing with us the name that plagues us all! I've checked out 4 DVDs on yoga and meditation, but Jimmie Dean doesn't want me to be on the floor without a ball in my hand!
    xo, Sheri

  18. Visiting from Rural Rambles. Love this post. Why, I did not know what it was called until now. But yes, it seems I have it too. Reallllly bad case, in fact. Please share your secrets after your session. Should be quite interesting! :) -Tammy
