Monday, April 13, 2015

It's really happening

I think we have this winter beat.  The snow is melting.  I even saw some robins flitting around the yard this weekend.  

Even though there is still snow, it is disappearing some every day.   Wheeeee

If you recall, the snow used to up up past this window.   

I have another home project in mind so I'm off to the hardware store.  Spring Fever has hit!


  1. Agggg, our snow is still piled high and not one robin to be seen! Very hard winter this year in Newfoundland.

  2. Oh Yay!!!! I bet that snow is gone by the end of the week. I bet you are so excited to be able to see your yard.
    Enjoy that spring fever!!!

  3. Kim I know how you feel seeing the snow going down. I can see part of the yard too but still so much snow to go. The sooner it's gone then the hard yard work will begin so I'm really not that much in a rush this year. I'm starting to feel older and worn out.

    Looking forward to seeing your new project,

  4. Kim I know how you feel seeing the snow going down. I can see part of the yard too but still so much snow to go. The sooner it's gone then the hard yard work will begin so I'm really not that much in a rush this year. I'm starting to feel older and worn out.

    Looking forward to seeing your new project,

  5. I can sense your excitement at the snow disappearing! Spring is coming! Curious about your new project! xo Nellie

  6. I see grass...yes I do! I bet I can guess your next project. You're going to shovel the snow in your yard into the neighbor's yard. Not that I would do something like that...psst...wait until dark...just sayin'. Welcome Spring!

  7. woohoo.....I see grass. :) I know you are excited about that. We had a wet soggy day here in the Pacific Northwest.. Spring has sprung. Birds, flowers, birds, frogs everything is buzzing...including the bees :)

    Curious about your new project take care, Janet W

  8. oh it does the heart good to see the snow go. I will admit that I had more than my fill of winter this year but lord knows I couldn't move. I think we rejoice more at the start of each season.

  9. Soon you'll be sunbathing outside with a gin and tonic....or is it always wine that refreshes?


  10. I can hear the relief in your voice from here!
