Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Frustrate me why don't ya

Well, technology has been kicking me in the butt this week.   Yesterday, in the middle of a busy schedule my keyboard crapped out.  Actually it worked intermittently but basically was on life support. Ordered a new one for next day delivery.  Good thing it came today because the keyboard was dead this morning.  

And now my favorite blog apps have upgraded to new versions and they suck.  I do 95% of my posts from my iPad.  I have been using blog press and it worked like a charm.  Easy to use and functional.  AND NOW......pain in the arse!

Re-sizing and placing photos where I want them seems impossible.  In my last post I thought I had all the photos centered but magically there are all on the left.  Grrrr.  
Does anyone else write posts with their iPad?  And do you have a preferred app to do it?

In the meantime I will flip through the Rug hooking magazine and attempt to lower my blood pressure ;)
(Really just added this pic to see where it appears.  I'm betting its not centered......) 


  1. We have the original ipad and I never really found a way to blog on it, so I will flip through a mag as well waiting to see if you get an answer! ;)

  2. I never did figure out how to blog from my iPad (even with the advice you gave me). Not only am I Facebook stupid, I'm also iPhone and iPad stupid. I think I have a scarlet S on my forehead.
    Hugs :)

  3. Hope you're blood pressure is going down!!? I love my iPad but never was able to make a good blog post with it -- I will anxiously await your success! (Centered pics are overrated. Lol!)

  4. I installed Blogpress on my phone and iPad and blog thru that.. Do you guys use that app??

  5. I use blogpress when I blog from my iPad. It isn't ideal but it was the best I found last year when I was looking for a blog app. I mostly blog on my main computer so don't know what the update did to it.

  6. What's an iPad??


    Seriously....technology is overrated....

    Smiles & Techy Hugs ~ Robin

  7. I'm technology impaired so no can help. I blog from my MacBook Pro and my wireless mouse.

    Sorry for your keyboard problems. I got weed problems and that is more than I can handle.
    I'm glad that you got your new keyboard.

    Got to pick up my Rug Hooking Magazine.

  8. Yes, technology can be very frustrating! I use Blogger, my HP laptop, and my wireless mouse for my posts. If any of those goes awry, I'm no good for solutions!

    Hope you found a way to relax and release the stress.

  9. I can't, won't blog from my iPad. It makes me crazy and gives me a cranky. ESPECIALLY if I use pictures. I loved my iPad at first and now it just sits all alone on my coffee table. I love my Acer laptop and that is what I use. Of course I haven't managed to get a blog post up in weeks cause I am cheating on my blog by watching a Livestream of The MythBusters kittens hosted by John Bartlett. I can't stop watching kittens playing!

  10. Well I will stick to my clunky desk top.
    I have read about so many people having fits with their I Pad.
    I hope you come up with a fix, at least though the picture is on your blog and not in your blogroll. :)
    have a lovely day,

  11. Don't you love technology? I only post on my computer because trying to do it on my ipod is just about impossible, and it hurts my eyes. :(

  12. Ha - I don't have an Ipad - sorry. Are you going to bloglovin? sandie
