Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Chats on the Porch

Today Patrice at Everyday Ruralty  is hosting her 99th Chats on the Porch linky.    It would be a great day to actually be chatting on her porch.  It is one of those humid, sticky days here.  The office air conditioning is nice but it's still at work!  A nice afternoon on a porch swing, sipping something cool would be nice.  But I do have a nice 4 day weekend to look forward to so I better stop complaining and get on with the Chat. 

Here are this weeks questions
  1. Do you enjoy grocery shopping?
I don't mind it as long as it is not Saturday afternoon.  Then it just gets on my nerves - too many people just meandering around, leaving their carts all willy nilly along the aisles and blocking traffic.  Uggh.  (Can you tell I have soooo much patience?)
2.  Are you following any particular news stories?
I have been watching the terrible flooding in western Canada this past week.  We have friends in that area who had a mandatory evacuation by the army!  Luckily they are safe but still are not allowed back in their town to assess the damage.
3.  How do you feel about all of the technology we have today? Is it too much, just right, or not enough?
Well, you know I am a but of a tech junky so I do like it.  It is nice to be able to do things like Skype with family who are far away.
4.   On a scale of 1-10(1 being the least) how much do you worry?
Well I used to be at least a 9.5 on the worry scale but I am trying to get better.  I would say I am down to a 7 which for me is a huge improvement :)
5.  Without any of your responsibilities or concern with how you would accomplish this, what would your three dream jobs be?
Now this is a tough one, because honestly I am very lucky and enjoy my job most days.  (Despite yesterdays post.....LOL)    But in the spirit of the question it might be fun to be a wine taster, beach inspector or a professional martini critic.  


  1. I'm real glad that you got over your bad Monday... he,he.

    Wine taster would be nice. I'm going to bottle a batch of Ultimate full bodied Gewurztraminer and a batch of Ultimate Valpolicella red wine tomorrow afternoon as a matter of fact.


  2. I hate you had such a rag-id (in the south...that's a REAL bad day l.o.l) Monday. I'm glad today's better though. I'm with you on the Saturday grocery store thing too. Saturdays are bad, but you won't catch me any where near a grocery store on the 1st Saturday of the month! O M Gness! I think ALL the crazies decide to grocery shop then. Have a blessed week :O)

  3. Yes! I'll vote for wine taster!:-) Grocery shopping is something I love! Always guilty of buying way too much!

  4. Great chat Kim, love all your answers...Martini critic, to funny, Blessings Francine.

  5. I giggled at your job choices.:) I need to get better about that old worry monster. Motherhood did this to me. :P

  6. Haha that is so funny, I like your dream jobs.
    It is hot today? Well try and stay cool.
    I enjoyed your answers today.

  7. Love your dream jobs and yes it is hot but the skies have opened up and major thunder storms are on the way.
    I too am a worrier. I always tell everyone give me your worries I am good at you don't have to.

  8. Willy Nilly shopping carts. That made me laugh! I hate people who do that too. It drives me nuts to be around so many slow people. I like your dream jobs choices! :D

  9. The best time to go shopping here is on a Saturday Evening, after 7 PM. The store is almost deserted then.

  10. I agree with you on the grocery shopping. And I am glad you are worrying less. That is a good thing about age. sandie

  11. Don't wine tasters have to spit the wine out??? Thanks for the laughs.
    Hugs :)

  12. Now I could handle the wine tasting one :-)

  13. I am glued to the television and the internet because of the catastrophe in High River. I have my 85 year old mom who was also evacuated from there like your friends. She is also safe but it is so stressful because they can't get back in to see the damage to their houses.

  14. Hahahaha! I LOVE your job choices! And grocery shopping on a Saturday? NEVER. It's the same thing here and I will put it off until Sunday morning if I am not at the store when they open at 8:00. Usually there aren't too many people in there early.

  15. Yep, wine taster! I do not like to go grocery shopping ever. Not crazy about cleaning the house either. That worry thing, that's a tough one Kim. Glad you have calmed down the worry monster.

  16. Wine taster... why didn't I think of that! ;-)
