I think you better buckle up -- I feel a Rant bubbling up to the surface!
Have you ever tried to herd cats? That might give you a tiny glimpse of my evening. Some "genius" decided to have a family/friends birthday dinner. I'm not "allowed" to say whose birthday it was (but she lives in my house and its not me or Mom)
So there was me and 3 cars full of seniors.
10 seats at the table. Also 10 different interpretations of what time one should arrive for a 6pm reservation. P.S. the answer is 6pm!!! (Sigh)
9 opinions on where we "should" have gone. (Well, 8 really because poor Mom doesn't care)
8 opinions on what they wanted to order, that was NOT on the menu
7 times I attempted to time-travel to another place. Any-other-place
6 times the waitress exchanged or replaced something at the table
Lalala 5 mini nervous breakdowns (all mine)
4 times someone dropped something on the floor. (Spoons, pieces of food, napkins)
3 times I crawled under the table to retrieve something.
2 times I prayed for patience. (And by patience I mean alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol)
1 time we do this. Seriously - never again!!
I might start this version of the Advent calendar tonight. Hmm, Dec. 5th, so I need to catch up!! Lol

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