This week passed by in a blur. I can't believe its Saturday already. Busy, busy and work and home. This coming week is looking equally crammed so I guess I better get my "crap" together! hehe Couldn't resist! Corinne and I have been zinging each other with crap related jokes since I posted up the outhouse sketch on Tuesday. Hopefully we have exhausted that little joke! lol
I did get over to her house Wednesday night for a short visit. I had to inspect the progress on the basement hooking studio (check it out here
http://momzwool.blogspot.com/. I'm nick-naming it the "Woman's Cave". She tells me the electrian is coming Monday so soon there will be light fixtures!! I've also requested a wine cooler and a comfy chair! haha
I also picked out some wool for the outhouse. This looks kind of like weathered wood I think.

This is a close up of the marbellized piece. LOVE IT. And the other side looks totally different.

I can't wait to start cutting it up and playing around. I might change the tree in the background to a white birch tree which surrounds my cottage. Luckily I don't remember our cottage outhouse - only stories. Thankfully my family installed full plumbing before my birth! The whole "outhouse" experience kind of creeps me out! (LOL What a princess eh!)

I guess I've been on the computer too long. There is a little silver poodle stratching my legs. Looks like she needs a little attention.
Lovely wool, and I love the outhouse sketch. Karmen