Thursday, August 14, 2014

It's not all glamorous

The initial homeowner glow is beginning to fade a little.  There is a big rain storm coming so I wanted to mow my lawn before it got out of control.  I start up my dandy new lawnmower last night and mowed for about 2 minutes when it died.   Out of gas!  Arrgh.  By then I wasn't in the mood to deal with it.  This morning I went out and bought my very own gas can.  Partially filled it (because I don't really want to store much gas in the garage in case......boom).   Then I proceeded to spill gas all over the mower and garage floor before I finally hit the gas tank.   (Yes, there was a little cussing).  But I finished the lawn.  

But I mean really, what man can resist a woman with her very own gas can........Once word gets out they'll be banging down the door!  Lol 

Next non-glamorous chore was disgusting.  When I moved in there was a stinky, rotting old compost bag in the bottom of my compost bin.  This house was vacated in February so you can imagine what a treat that was to find. Grossssssss.   My hope that on last weeks collection it might fall out on its one when the truck tipped the bin did not happen.

So this afternoon with a scarf over my face, I dragged it into the garage, tipped it over and extricated the disgusting slimy bag with the help on those shovels in the background.  God, I can still smell it :(

Tomorrow morning is recycling pick-up.  I'm maxed out on the bags I'm allowed to put out.

The rest is stored in the garage for next time.   Ahhh, the glamourous week I've had!


  1. Gross! Cleaning out the gutters is the job that always disgusts me! So many fun chores when you are a homeowner! :)

  2. Oh, yes! The joys of owning one's own home! It sounds like you've found ways to keep up with the initial demands! xo

  3. There are some chores that are just no fun!

  4. I'll bet there wasn't enough Fabreze in Canada to quell that stench!

  5. Oh my! Not good! Vinegar with a little rubbing alcohol added poured into the bottom of the can should help the bad odor.

  6. Oh well, you have accomplished what you set out to do. That is good.
    :) I am impressed you mowed your lawn. That is awesome.

  7. So that's what that awful smell was outside! We've had some very cool air coming down from poor thing! Hope next week is better. I'll look for the post when you have your first gathering of friends for a house warming! That will make the messy part fade a bit!

  8. Oh, the joys of home ownership.
    Hugs :)

  9. You need a funnel, Kim!
    I don't envy you that stinking mess.
    I can see how a few choice words might slip out!

  10. I say clorox the whole thing !! lol

  11. ohboy...spilled gas and stinking mess...certainly not my way to have fun! Hope today is better for you.

  12. You are WOMAN and I hear you ROAR, lol...
    You'd think that the previous owner would have had the common sense to clean out the compost before leaving.

    Bleach will take care of the smell.

    Better luck with filling the lawn mower with gas next time. I hope that you put some oil in your lawn mower before mowing your lawn or you'll burn the motor like my neighbour. He bought a sit on lawn mower and filled it up with gas and he didn't read the instructions because he was a nuclear engineer and he ruined his lawn mower the first time he cut his lawn.

    I hope that everything will go smooth next week .

  13. I am big on clorox too! Home ownership can be a PIA! Just think of all the good things.. :)

  14. Wow! Sure hope next week is better :)

    Take care, Janet W

  15. I don't think the gas can will bring the men running but your cutie little self will. Welcome to home owner ship and all its wonderful joys. I went to put a load of laundry in and out shoots a mouse from under the dryer. We catch it in the trap but now I have to wipe up blood off the floor ewwwwwwwe awwh the joys of home ownership.
