Monday, November 26, 2012

Dancing the night away

No, I wasn't out kicking up my heels tonight. I wish! Instead I had to work late at a meeting. But all I could think of was getting home. Why?? The big Dancing With The Stars finale, of course!

So forgive me for the short quick post. And forgive me for not visiting your blogs tonight. You will find me on Facebook, with a rag-tag group of pals from all over. Some rug hookers, some just hysterically witty ladies (and a couple of gents who comment when we start to get out of hand). For the past 2 years we've all logged in to "watch" DWTS together. The friendships have grown and the comments get colorful.

Go Shawn!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. That is what I am going to do too! Go Shawn. sandie

  2. Yey!!!!! but I also like to watch The Voice, why have both on !!!! Have Fun, Francine.

  3. You're forgiven for your absence, lol. Myself, I admit to being a Project Runway addict :-) so I TOTALLY understand the finale-must-see-ness of it all! The cyber-group sounds like another layer of icing on the cake fun.....

    Hugs, Issy

  4. How funny! I hope your man won and that you enjoyed every minute with your friends. I love that you guys do this.

  5. You are forgiven Kim. A girl has to have fun with friends. I hope that your favorite wins.
    I've abandoned Facebook and have not been on there for quite a while now.


  6. Hi Kim, I told my hubby that I had to get home from the nursing home in time to watch. I don't know who I like the best they are all so good and have their own style. It is really fun to watch. I lean toward Shawn and Derek. They push it to the limit. Have a great day. Hugs Your Missouri Friend

  7. I missed our gathering last night ~ tried to read all the posts but if you're not seeing who is dancing ~ it reads kind of crazy. If all goes as planned ~ and we know how plans go ~ I'll be there tonite!!!!

  8. I have more ~ yes, the comments get colorful for sure!! And we welcome anyone who would like to join us next season ~ even tonite, if you want to jump in!! And mainly I commented again so I could sign myself

    Rag Tag!!!!!!!!!

  9. I have been watching The Voice and I am addicted. Blake S. is so charming and handsome. I wish these shows weren't on at the same time.

  10. Hi Kim, tonight is the night! Kelly and Val, Shawn and Derrick or Melissa and Tony? My vote is leaning towards Melissa and Tony...we'll soon see. It is way past my bedtime! Hugs, Julie.
