As you may have gathered from yesterday's teaser post, it was my birthday. You know how there are some people who don't like to make a fuss about their birthdays? Well......I'm not one of those people! Lol. Bring It On, I say ;)
And I have to say that yesterday everybody brought their A - Game. It was a wonderful day. I took the day off work and started the day with a red velvet cupcake for breakfast. Some work friends took me out to a nice lunch and then I met some other lovely ladies for special coffee and treats. Not long after that I headed to Deanne's Studio. Deanne and Lorna greeted me with another red velvet cupcake.

We had cupcake, tea, fudge and of course a few laughs. There was also another treat there. My dear sweet friend Kim who I met several years ago through our blogs had arranged for a birthday present from the studio.
Kim is just the sweetest most generous person, and imagine my delight when I picked up the phone yesterday morning, and she was on the other end! Another special treat for me.
Next stop on the birthday tour was Happy Hour. The first photo above was my birthday martini. Look at all those olives!! We had an extra large group this week which was fun. Final stop - Dinner Club. As you will see from e next few pictures, this was approximately a 9,000 calorie kind of day.....

The dessert was served with sparklers flaring on top. And before I get any funny comments about the big 30 on top......I remind you, I WAS 30 once. Granted it was many years ago......hahaha. But I loved it.
It was truly a wonderful day, filled with so many friends and kind, thoughtful acts. I am blessed and truly appreciate it all.
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