Saturday, July 3, 2010

More hooking and some prep work

I've been hooking away on this new rug. It seems to be going very quickly. It's funny how some rugs seem to go on and on for too long, yet others seem to hook up in a matter of days. I love the colors in this one. And I have added a couple of different textures of yarn.
I did take a little break for some Retail Therapy. Big surprise eh! But there was a big sale and I did need some new summer pants and tops for work.
The rest of the weekend has been prepping for my family to arrive from Vermont. They come every summer to their cottage for a month. Imagine - they are 80 and 78 years old and still make the 13 hour drive themselves. I'll have lunch waiting for them tomorrow and will then follow them to their cottage and unpack the car for them. You would be AMAZED how much you can pack in a sedan. LOL
Hope everyones holiday weekend has been great so far.


  1. Love the look of your blog! Also, colors of your new hooking project are gorgeous!


  2. Wow! Your rug is looking great with the yarn. I've never hooked with yarn and your photos are making me want to try it! Beautiful colors!

    Cathy G

  3. Looking great so far! The yarn definitely hooks up beautifully! We used to vacation in Vermont in a camp by a lake... sure miss those days as it is a gorgeous state!

  4. I love the multiple fabrics. The yarn really gives your piece neat texture. What is the design? Is it garden-related?

  5. Oh my this is just beautiful. I would love to be able to do something this pretty. You need to do a blogazine story for my site about your rug making and how you got started and so on and so on.
    I can not imagine someone in their 80's doing that drive. How wonderful a story. Maybe there is hope for me yet. I keep thinking this fall was the end of me because I can't get well. hahaha Then I read this story. Ask the couple if they want to adopt me

  6. How wonderful that they can make the drive. How lucky to have you to meet them and help out!
    Your rug is lookin' good. I've never hooked with yarn, but I do like the look. I don't think I've ever had a rug hook quickly. I must be the world's slowest hooker.
    Pug hugs :)

  7. Wow, nice new look to your blog.
    Liking the colors in your rug and the fact that you are using some yarn.
    How nice to have family coming and for you to give them a hand when they get there.
    Enjoy them.
