Sunday, November 29, 2009

A day of almosts

It was the type of day where I just seemed to fall a little bit short, no matter what I tried. One of my main goals of the day was to get my Angel rug all hooked and the cording basted in - with even a teeny bit of hope I could maybe start whipping tonight.

I finished all the hooking except for her hair. I had some wool in mind for this part. I bought some beautiful slub yarn from FishEye Rugs in October. One of the bundles was (a least this is what I remember) a warm golden hue. So I went looking for it. And I looked, and I looked, and I looked. There were 4 bundles and all are missing. I checked all my stash spots. Hmmmm, this may be a good indicator that I need to do some more housecleaning! LOL The trouble is that as I clean up one room, I tend to clutter up another. Ahhh the vicious circle.

With the holidays around the corner and all the extra junk that entails (plus I'm in the middle of painting and drop cloths, ladders etc) its easy to get behind - or at least thats what I'm telling myself. Another option is that Mom tends to pick things up lately and hide them in peculiar spots. Lord knows what I'm going find somedays!

So all the hunting and attempting to tidy up what I tore apart in my search put me behind in all the other typical weekend chores. The only good thing is there is another opportunity for a weekend in about 5 days!!

Days like this call for comfort food. I have just taken an old fashioned raisin pudding cake out of the oven and it smells sweet and wonderful. I think I will curl up and knit some dishcloths.


  1. MMMMmm! How about posting your recipe, Kim? Looks delicious. I had a weekend of almosts too....but at least, we were almost there which is better than not at all!

  2. Yes I to would like the recipe. Look really good. Hope you find your wool.
