Saturday, April 6, 2013

This, That and the Other

It's been a few days of busy, fun, and many calories. Last night was our Ladies Dinner Club. I'm not sure if it was Spring Fever but it was like "middle aged women gone wild". It was like the 12 of us had just been let out of a deep hole. I don't think we've ever been so loud and rambunctious. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Here's a photo of the seafood salad we started with - Yes, there was shrimp, scallops and lobster tail on that plate!

Then this morning I picked up a treat. I won a little Facebook contest from a local start-up bakery and got a dozen mini cupcakes. And yes, they tasted as good as they look

Later I had a nice visit at the coffee shop with a cousin from out of town. We caught up on all the family news :). So it was a pretty good weekend so far. To cap off a great day I'm ending with a few hours of hooking. Another sunflower has bloomed on the burlap

Have I mentioned how much I love sunflowers? :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. What a great looking salad! Seafood (not fried) is actually pretty low in calories. The cupcakes - perhaps not so much.:-) It sounds like you have had a week-end the way they are supposed to be - fun and fellowship! The rug is amazing! I am in awe of your ability to come up with things like this. Enjoy your evening!

  2. hey kim, so glad you had some time out and about this weekend! your salad and cupcakes look wonderful. i have been so hungry i made a double batch of taco tatertots and i gave 3 casseroles away and kept a bit for me. i think i need sun and heat!! and to get OUT! did see a robin today so there is hope! love how your rug is coming along! i love sunflowers too! enjoy you evening!

  3. Your sunflower looks amazing!!! I am so glad you have had a nice weekend. I really think those little cupcakes would be such a treat.

  4. The salad looked healthy and the cupcakes look delish! sandie

  5. mmmmm...cupcakes! Your hooking is really coming along!

  6. Having fun with friends over the week is a real recharge. The salad looked delicious and the cupcakes, well everyone love a sweet treat. The rug is looking good!

  7. Sounds like you and your friends had a great time! Cupcakes look yummy!

  8. sounds like a great weekend I had a girls night too, I just love them they are good for laughs. and your food looks yummy!

  9. Those cupcakes! I can only imagine the fun you had Friday night!!

  10. That seafood dinner sounds divine and may I just say those cupcakes would not have lasted long in my custody...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The salad and cupcakes look so yummy. Nothing wrong with a room full of women enjoying themselves,the louder the better I say.
    Thanks for stopping by my Sugar on Snow post. It is always good when we are with our Lil O, doesn't matter what we are doing.
    Have a wonderful day.
